Hawaii Rush

Morocco Rush


Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What makes Rush Soccer different?

    Rush Soccer is the largest soccer club in the world. At Rush, you are a part of something bigger . . . we stand behind and believe in our core values.  We are committed to providing an unparalleled soccer experience for all who have an interest in the game. 

    Rush promotes the development of character, the electricity of competition, and the importance of pure enjoyment. We believe that all players should be afforded an equal opportunity to explore their potential and participate in challenging circumstances that will yield positive outcomes. We are committed to making soccer a pleasant, safe, and rewarding experience for everyone involved, regardless of age or ability. 

    Through quality coaching, sound leadership, and absolute sincerity, we will work to be the best soccer club for our players. 

  • If I missed tryouts can I still join?

    Any player who is interested in joining the Competitive division can do so at any time.  No need to wait until tryouts.  Players are invited to train with a team in their respective age group to determine the best developmental placement for them. 

    Please fill out the contact form on the contact us page and we will connect you with the appropriate coach to help begin this process.

  • What does the "U" mean when referring to an age group?

    The “U” followed by age” means that age and younger.  In the United States, teams are grouped by birth year.  Players can play up in age but cannot play down.

    To see what age group you fall under please see our age group chart.

  • Do you have a refund policy?

    Yes. Rush’s player refund policy is:  If a player, for medical reasons, cannot complete the remainder of the season, a prorated amount of the variable fee will be refunded upon request. Written Technical Documentation setting forth the medical reason(s) must be provided to the Club by a medical practitioner prior to the refund. A full refund is due if a player is not placed on a team.  

    Also if your family, relocates over 45 miles away you will receive a prorated refund for the remainder of the season you will miss.  

    There are no refunds given for any other reason.

  • Are there discounts or special assistance available to help cover the fees?

    Absolutely! Our multi-child discount gives 10% to the second, third, etc. child/children after the oldest child pays for the standard fee for their division.  

    Financial assistance is available for those who qualify. If interested please fill out the contact form on the contact us page and we can discuss the available options.

  • Will a season ever get canceled due to weather? What about games and practices?

    While it would take extreme weather to cancel an entire season it is likely games and practices could be canceled or delayed. 

    If there is a threat of severe weather, please make sure to check our field map page for the latest field closure news. Coaches & Team Managers will also attempt to contact all registered players affected by such conditions. For this reason, it is important that the email address and phone number you put on the registration form is the best one to contact you with. 

  • What type of commitment do I need to make to Competitive Soccer?

    We play in competitive leagues and the spot your child takes on a team is often a spot denied to another child. Additionally, soccer is a full-season sport and we expect a full-season commitment. 

    For that reason, while we understand that some conflicts arise that are unexpected and unavoidable, we expect players to attend at least 1 practice per week and all games and play for the full season.

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